The Military and Veterans Brigade of Kentucky Colonels Virtual Chapter, 

The Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels


Ever mindful of the traditions, duties and purposes of the title that was bestowed on us; our duty to uphold and defend both the Constitution of the United States of America, and Commonwealth of Kentucky; our responsibility to aid, assist and save distressed Kentuckian and fellow country men and women; our responsibility in helping to further the reasons for which we were commissioned; and believing that through social association and mutual acquaintance, the Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels may best advance their professional abilities, enhance their value, loyalty and devotion to the Commonwealth, and where ever we reside and promote its unity and morale; therefore we do associate ourselves together and declare the following articles to be the Constitution and By-Laws of the Military and Veteran Brigade of Kentucky Colonels Virtual Chapter, The Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels. 

Service Members and Veterans have filled the ranks of the Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels since its foundation in 1931.  Now Veterans can come together through The Brigade of KY Colonels, a Chapter of the Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels, and continue to support the Good Works Program in unity as we did while in service to our Country!

What we've done

While it is hard to determine what it is we have done to date, the HOKC has in the last year helped the State of Kentucky during some very traumatic events, that has plagued Kentuckians.  There is no doubt that Veterans were very active in helping to lend a hand in that support.   As we move forward as a Chapter, we will be sharing the impact we help the HOKC with through our contributions.  

The Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels provides millions of dollars in aid to needy Kentuckians across the Commonwealth. We helped them get the word out with this “Because A Colonel Gave” TV ad.